Empowering People and Pets™
Smarty Paws Canine College™: Self-paced online and in person positive reinforcement dog training in central and northern Virginia.
Overwhelmed, Frustrated and Doubting
Yourself and Your Dog?
Having a dog who is struggling with fear, anxiety, or reactivity isn’t just hard on them, it’s hard on you too. At Smarty Paws, we know that the emotional toll can be challenging and you just want to throw in the towel.
Whether your dog is shy, feral or lives life out loud, we will provide you with the tools to help both of you feel more calm, confident and connected.
Training Programs
In Person Behavior Training
Does this describe your dog: Afraid of everything, dragging you around on the leash, barking and making a scene? Don’t worry, we are here in your corner to show you how to grow a calm confident canine!
DIY Puppy Training
Potty accidents, general destruction and teeth marks on your arms: You must have a puppy! We’ll support you through the cute but crazy puppy stage
DIY Dog Training
Client Reviews

Ready to Empower
Yourself and Your Dog?
Great! We’re here to support you and your furry family member on the path toward better connection and communication.